September 21, 2024
Re: Cindy Swift for Fairfax Town Council
Dear Editor,
Cindy Swift represents the best of Fairfax. A dedicated volunteer in Fairfax for many years she has been a tireless supporter of our town. She has selflessly committed to keeping our town firesafe – working toward disaster preparedness and serving on numerous town committees.
She is a kind, intelligent and thoughtful candidate who will help heal the deep divisions in our community. She will listen to all points of view and bring common sense and fiscal responsibility to her future decision making.
Fairfax needs a change in direction. For the past year rancor and negativity have separated neighbor from neighbor and created divisions where once we were all united in keeping Fairfax a safe compassionate community – one where moderate positions helped keep the town from veering into ideological warfare. This middle way has been sadly missing from our local council. We need Cindy Swift to help bring us back into a harmonious local government where all people can feel comfortable expressing their opinions and where council members do not drive wedges between long term residents, home owners, small mom and pop landlords, tenants, families and seniors who wish to live their lives in peace.
Please vote for Cindy – common sense, compassion and kindness are what we need now.
Robin RM Brennan
“Cindy Swift is a straight shooter who will diligently work for the benefit of the citizens of Fairfax with energy and commitment. I have known Cindy since high school and our years together in Fairfax and I can honestly say that her love of this community is matched only by her dedication to a thorough and thoughtful approach to any issue. Voters would be wise to have her represent them on the Fairfax Town Council.”
— Joann Moore, former Fairfax business owner
Peter Lacques
Former Fairfax Councilmember
“Cindy’s broad and long history of volunteering shows a passion for serving for the greater Fairfax community. Cindy will bring that same passionate commitment to the town Council – along with much needed common sense, good judgment an even keeled temperament. [As shown by her many years as a Planning Commissioner, ] Cindy respectfully listens to all viewpoints, before crafting the best solution based upon diverse inputs and her own sound judgment.”
— Peter Lacques
Mimi Newton
Fairfax Planning Commissioner and Former Chair,
Fairfax Open Space Committee
“I’ve had the honor of working directly with Cindy on the Planning Commission for a number of years. Her commitment to our Town goes beyond her dedicated service as a Planning Commissioner to include, among other things, fire safety for everybody, and the preservation of our natural environment and Dark Skies. She can’t help it if her love for Fairfax shines so brightly!”
— Mimi Newton Fairfax Planning Commissioner and Former Chair, Fairfax Open Space Committee
Catherine Way,
Vice Mayor, City of Larkspur
“For almost ten years, I have worked collaboratively with Cindy on several countywide committees which support neighborhood emergency resilience. She is always prepared and makes substantive contributions to this important work”
— Catherine Way, Vice Mayor, City of Larkspur
Denyce Codoni
“Fred & I strongly support Cindy Swift for Town Council. She has worked on behalf of the town for years. Fairfax needs a hardworking, honest & dependable council member, who will also show respect to others at the meetings whether she agrees with them or not. Please vote for Cindy Swift!”
— Denyce Codoni
Ray Moritz
Fairfax Town Arborist
“I am an Consulting Arborist, Urban Forester and Fire Ecologist living in Fairfax for decades now. I have had the privilege of working with Cindy Swift on fire prevention and other Town issues for many years. I have never met a more dedicated and informed advocate for public safety and quality of life in Fairfax and beyond. She has my full and enthusiastic support for Town Council”.
— Ray Moritz, Fairfax Town Arborist
Roberta Anthes
“I‘m honored to endorse Cindy Swift for Fairfax Town Council. She’s been a long-time, dedicated servant of our town in multiple capacities, and she’d bring years of experience and knowledge to the Council. She’s smart, objective, thorough, and honest. You can trust her to act in the best interests of Fairfax.”
— Roberta Anthes
Charlie Hickox
“Cindy has dedicated herself to Fairfax for many years. She will listen and she will be thorough.”
— Charlie Hickox
Rich Shortall
President, Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District
and former Executive Coordinator, Fire Safe Marin
“Cindy has a long history of civic engagement in Fairfax with her work on the Planning Commission, Firewise Program and the Community Emergency Response Team. I have worked closely with Cindy through Fire Safe Marin and the Fairfax Citizens Disaster Council, Cindy is both dedicated to public safety and a proven hard worker helping to protect the residents of Fairfax. Please join me in supporting Cindy Swift for Fairfax Town Council.”
— Rich Shortall, President, Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and former Executive Coordinator, Fire Safe Marin
Jonathan Polansky
“I worked closely with Cindy Swift setting up the wildfire safety program in the Cascades. Her practicality, resourcefulness, energy, generosity of spirit and respect for others all impressed me greatly. She was essential to bringing our community together at a time of fear and uncertainty. I will breathe easier knowing a trustworthy voice for transparency and reasonableness has joined Fairfax Town Council—where Cindy Swift has long belonged.”
— Jonathan Polansky
“Fairfax faces many challenges that we can only address if we restore confidence and trust in leadership and work together as a community.
As council member I’ll be accessible, listen to all and be responsive to the needs of our residents and businesses.”
— Cindy Swift

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Cindy Swift For Fairfax Council 2024
Cindy Swift for Fairfax Council 2024, 55 Madrone Rd, Fairfax CA 94930, FPPC# 1472982
[email protected], 415-419-4418